Learn how to share Islam with confidence and wisdom

Empower yourself with the essential tools and techniques of Da'wah

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:  
“Tell them about me even if it is one verse.” (Bukhari/Tirmidi). This order to spread the message carried by the Prophet of God means that giving dawah to our non Muslim brothers and sisters in humanity is at least Fard al Kifaya (obligatory for a portion of the Muslims). If you would like to be one of the individuals who takes on his noble but hefty responsibility or if you are someone who is simply interested in learning more about his or her faith, then this course if for you.
take a course!

What will you gain from our courses?

  • Importance of Dawah

    Learn about the importance and necessity of Dawah, and how to overcome personal hurdles to fulfill the obligation of Dawah

  • Characteristics of a Da'ee

    Discover what qualities and traits are required for you to become an effective daee  

  • Knowledge of Islam

    Back your Dawah with facts and evidence from the Quran and Hadith so you are prepared in any situation 

After dozens of years in the field of dawah, GainPeace has organized and created a succinct and effective course that covers the fundamentals of giving Dawah, which includes how to present yourself and how to construct a logical argument. The skill set you will acquire, however, has a far wider reach and can be used to aid you in various other areas of your personal and professional life.
Let's Get started!

What do our courses include?

  • Informative and engaging videos that will take you on a step-by-step journey tailored to help you become the best possible Da'ee. 

  • Interactive quizzes to review what you learned so you can measure your progress. 

  • Additional beneficial resources because the learning doesn't stop with the course. As a da'ee, it is important to always be seeking knowledge, and will will help you along by providing extra resources. 

  • If you have any questions or need extra help along the way, we will provide you with opportunities to ask us what you need to know. 

Take One of Our Courses

Meet the Instructors

Dr. Sabeel Ahmed


Dr. Sabeel Ahmed is the Director of the GainPeace Project, an outreach project of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). Originally trained and certified as a medical doctor, Dr Sabeel has devoted over half of his life to the spreading message of Islam. He has offered workshops and been the keynote speaker in numerous conferences and interfaith symposiums around the world. He is renowned for heading  a number of outreach projects in the Muslim and non-Muslim communities. 

Coach Zubair Adamjee


Zubair is a strategist, breakthrough coach and trainer at Muslim Mastery. He is blessed to have benefitted from a very diverse range of experiences and has worked with Islamic scholars, community leaders, technology innovators, coaches and entrepreneurs. He has coached a wide range of people facing different challenges and helped them unleash their true capabilities. He is a marriage/relationships coach at Abu Huraira Centre, conducts dawah and convert coaching workshops and leads coaching teams with various organisations, such as iERA and KnewU.

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